God is in The pain, my mom’s story
Just this weekend, someone who had recently been through a devastating loss, shared that the most meaningful part of the book for her was the story of my Mom’s miracle. The realization that God is so big not even our tragedies or pain can squeeze Him out. He is in those dark places to reveal some of His greatest works. Here is that story from my book.
My mother was one of those “plenty too much” people. Her passion for God’s fullness, and the belief that it was her birthright, put her in position to witness miracles few see, and allowed her to pass down that legacy to her family and many others.
In 1982, she had been medically diagnosed with glaucoma, as well as severe environmental allergies that caused her constant pain. She also felt nearly suffocated when around fumes and was unable to be in sunlight without thick sun- glasses. Yet she never stopped expecting her miracle.
As an act of faith, she and my dad traveled to a healing ser- vice in Southern California. Ten years before, in a service at the same place, Melodyland Christian Center of Anaheim, she had received a miracle healing in her back. She returned because she was reminded of the story of the four lepers in the Old Testament who sat on the outskirts of a city under siege. The entire city was desperate and at the point of starving, and being lepers, they knew they would be considered the most expendable. But they understood something that Mom also realized: faith is not passive. Faith is action; it steps out and takes a leap towards the unseen presence of God. In the words of the lepers, she said to herself, “Why sit here and die?” (2 Kings 7:3).
It was a Thursday morning service and although in pain, she was enjoying the worship. The preacher said, “If you need healing today, don’t look up here or anywhere else. Healing is in you because Jesus is in you.” While Mom wanted to believe it, her heart was crying out, “But Jesus, pain is in me.” Then she heard the Lord speak, “Oh, slow of heart to perceive, don’t you know what you’re feeling is Me. I’m in the pain.” She was confused but said, “Yes, Lord, I receive.”
Mom recalled verses like 2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV, where Paul said, “I will glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” The Hebrew children (Dan. 3) also came to her mind. They were in the fiery furnace, but Jesus was with them. So she said, “Yes, I embrace this. I glory that You are in this. You make darkness Your secret place (Ps. 18:11). Thank You, Lord, You are going to be fully revealed and glorified in this.”
Suddenly, Jesus spoke to her and said, “Yes, I’m in the pain, but remember there is no pain in Me.” The words were an explosion inside of her. In that moment, she knew He was all she needed for her situation and that a miracle healing had been made available to her. Instantly, all the pain in her lungs and the blurriness in her eyes were gone.
The Doctors confirmed her complete healing. She and my Dad were able to continue on and minister, because of that moment that she discovered that God is even in the pain.
What my Mom experienced is something for you to experience to. No matter what the darkest place in your life is. Began affirming that God is plenty too much in that very place. Listen and let Him speak. Ask and expect the God who is there to reveal Himself.