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Writer's picture: Dale WalkerDale Walker

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (In light of the brevity of life help us interpret our life correctly.) (Psalms 90:12 NIV)

“Make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:16 NIV)

I. Introduction

A. Observations from the passage:

1. We can’t be sure of how many moments that we have left; we can make every moment mean more and count more.

2. Moments not captured for God tend to flow towards negative outcomes.

3. The people who live the greatest lives for God don’t live longer lives, they just live bigger lives by maximizing moments.

“Don’t settle for living moments but turn moments into memories.”

B. A maximized moment is a moment that we allow God to fully participate.

1. They often don’t seem that big at the time. It is surprising how a small act of kindness can have such a big impact. “Small things done with great love will change the world.”

– Mother Teresa

2. A God moment comes because we connect with what God is doing and join Him as He invades a situation in that moment. (Kairos Moment- Heaven comes)

3. Those moments are easy to miss because God rarely comes in the wind and the thunder, but with a “gentle whisper.” He doesn’t kick the door down but waits for us to open the door to that moment.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20 NKJV)

II. Ways to maximize moments

A. Slow down, listen to God by trying to observe what He is doing and see things from His perspective. “My ways are not your ways says the Lord.” Ask continually, “What could be the God angle in this situation?”

1. We see God at work in moments when we’re looking for God at work in a moment. Look for a word, a person, a sense of the Spirit at work on yourself or others. Bless what you see or can imagine that God is doing. When you bless what God is doing you open the door for Him to do more.

2. Take time to reflect on things you’ve learned, seen, or thought might be God.

“The best teacher is not experience but evaluated experience.” – John Maxwell.

“You often have to go backwards to go forward.” Big moments come from little moments that we were preparing to see God work more.

B. Embrace detours and interruptions as divine moments that God can break into.

1. Most miracles happened as Jesus walked slowly through the crowds on the way to other destinations. It is good to see interruptions as adventures Jesus is inviting us on.

2. Ask God for a higher perspective. Don’t let earthly perspectives lead you to negative conclusions. Ask God to show you the opportunity in the crisis.

a. Don’t just listen to what people say and think.

“If I had asked people what they wanted they would’ve just asked for a faster horse.” –Henry Ford.

b. Ask God what’s in His pocket?

3. Lift your eyes to the star. How do I know God better and love people more?

C. Keep inviting God into your situation through bold prayers.

Jabez had a God moment because He believed that God had a bigger purpose for his life and he didn’t have to settle for present circumstances.

D. Stay focused on others. You have God moments when you are a “they” person not a “me” person- when you are asking the question, not about how you feel but how you might make a difference in the lives of others.

Jesus said, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are white for harvest.” (John 4:35 NIV)

1. Again, God moments usually involve small things God uses in a big way.

2. “If you will live your life everyday focused on the seeds you can sow, you will see God reveal Himself in greater ways than you can imagine.”

–Wayne Myers

“Judge everyday by the seeds that you sow, not the harvest that you reap.”

–Robert Luis Stevenson

“When a candle lights another candle, it doesn’t diminish its light but causes the room to be brighter.”

“When the right hand washes the left hand both hands get clean.”

“Don’t ask, “What can I spare; ask how can I share?”

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