“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. He who fears has not been made perfect in love.” (I John 4:18 NKJV)
As we walk through this present crisis it’s good to know that God has given us tools to defeat fear. President Roosevelt said after the Pearl Harbor attack, “We have nothing to fear except fear itself.” It is so true what the apostle John said, “Fear brings torment.” Aren’t you glad that Jesus defeated a spirit of fear on the cross.
A partner to the spirit of fear is the spirit of poverty. We are seeing this spirit at work as people hoard and even fight over items like toilet paper at the store. A spirit of poverty lies to us and says if I can grab and cling to enough for me lack and fear will go away. Actually the opposite is true, we will simply give fear a bigger stronghold in our lives.
God says the thing that casts out fear is love. Jesus tells anxiety filled people who were worrying about if they’d have enough food and such to make it, “all of your worry and anxiety can’t add a single inch to your height or a day to your life.” He goes on to challenge us to look at the birds. I like to say He implied, “you’ve never seen a sparrow on high blood pressure medicine.” They know that the Father will take care of them. How much more valuable are you to God than birds. The call is to seek first the kingdom knowing then all of our needs will be met. God wants us first to overcome fear by personalizing His love.
Another key to overcoming fear is choosing to be generous and think of others first. As we focus on adding value to others, love pushes anxiety out of our heart.
One of the unique things about this crisis is that we really are all in this together. We know how others feel. We can sense their needs easily. What if we simply turned our concerns off of ourselves and thought about how to ease that anxiety in others. The result is always, “give and it shall be given to you.” As you help someone else have more peace, more peace will come to you as well.
I’m just so proud of one of our church members who is going at the senior hour to the grocery store to help seniors put their bags in their cars. Another sister in our church is waiting an hour every day to be at the first of the line at Sam’s to get those hard to get items to give to others. One thing I’ve noticed about both of them. They are walking in peace. Take advantage of this time to make a list and do something every day of this crisis to add value to someone else. Make a call, send a card, help a neighbor. You will get to experience God’s perfect love casting out fear.
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