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Dale Walker

Dear Lord,

Today, we pray to reclaim our beautiful city for God. You said that you would restore cities and our descendants would take possession of the gates of the city. You said, every place that our feet step, you have given to us to claim. Jesus, we believe all of the environments that we represent, you want to fill with your glory. Environments of our home, neighborhood, businesses, schools, streets, hospitals, government offices, anywhere the soles of our feet enter, you want to transform with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Lord, we are not seeking to be political activists but Kingdom intercessors. We see all of the construction in our community and it reminds us that there are many strongholds, buried things beneath the surface of our city that you want to uproot and cleanse. But we understand, Lord, that this starts with us. We are the light and preservative of our city. We understand that if, we, your people humble ourselves to pray and turn from our sin and seek your face then you will heal our land. Darkness is going to be darkness but if we remove the bowl from our lamp, darkness will be swallowed up. We acknowledge, Lord, that we don’t have to get more of God for our city; we just need to get more out of the way, so who you are in us can shine through. Lord, here I am, start with me. Cleanse me and our church from negativity, division, self- centeredness, unbelief, compromise, a critical spirit, greed, discontentment, impurity and anything at all within us, that is diluting our potency and reflection of You!

O God, we know you have given us the keys to the Kingdom, the authority in Jesus to bind, loose, and release the storehouse of Heaven over our city. We are claiming that through your church, the wisdom, kindness, creativity, and righteousness of God will flow to make this city in every way a blessed city. We pray for the peace and prosperity of our city; we know when it prospers, we prosper. We pray that all government and authority will be bent towards your will, so that we and our children can serve God with integrity, boldness, and without fear. We claim the gates of all streams of activity and gates of authority. We pray over the Church of Las Cruces, which is represented by all the congregations where Christ is the center. Make us One, Lord. Let us believe that when the other wins, we all win. Let us honor each one and together, hold one mighty net for the harvest. We pray for the gates of education, government, business, agriculture, media, law enforcement, and family. Lord, anoint us to be missionaries in all of these streams. Transform our city. Let this be a fruitful valley, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Lord, let your full inheritance come: what you have planned to do in this city before the foundation of the world. Transform the mindset of your people from a fortress mindset that sees our group threatened and retreating from the city, to a force mindset that believes, greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Give us a mindset that believes we are the head and not the tail, that even our children in school can have authority and confidence to be the influencers. We believe that their influence will be that they won’t want to be like their friends in the world, but their friends in the world will want to be like them.

Don’t let us be like ostriches with our heads in the sand, trying to block out the world around us. Anoint us to march boldly, believing we are surrounded by a company of angels ready to do battle against dark forces. We believe that those, who are with us are more than those who are with them.

Lord, we choose to take responsibility for all of the atmospheres we walk into this week. We declare ourselves instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, we will sow love, where there is despair: hope, where there is injury: pardon, where there is stress and anger: peace and patience, where there is division: a spirit of reconciliation, where there is worldliness: purity, sobriety, and restraint. Where there is lack, we will sow generosity. We will not be under the current of this world but over it.

Lord, we will claim your mission calling for each and every one. We will be lights; people will see our good works and glorify the Father in Heaven. We will be ready and you will open opportunities to share a reason for the hope that is in us. We will be anointed by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel in word, works, and wonders wherever we go. We break fear, shame, and intimidation off of our lives and declare that we are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe. When we speak for Jesus, it won’t be us speaking but the Spirit of our Father speaking through us. Lord, we will unite together as a body, an unstoppable force to display love and kindness.

We declare a vision for our city and our church. Tens of thousands of pre-believers will come through our doors in the coming months and years, and will be touched, given red carpet treatment, hear the word in truth and power and thousands will come to Christ. We will finish the reconstruction of our building to create a great entrance way, an incredible church square, a PEACE center to care for the needs of under-served people, a sound and media system that can broadcast livestream and communicate the Word and worship from here to the nations. We will update the nursery, café, carpet, parking lot, and sign to be able to adequately serve our city for years to come.

Our city will be transformed, a center of revival in New Mexico, the Southwest, and the Borderland. We will be one of the easiest places to get to Heaven from in all of the world, because of the integrity, love, and sincerity of Christians here, and because of the Spirit of revival that operates here through continuous prayer and worship. Our youth and children will be touched mightily and lead a movement of Christ in our city that stretches to the nations. The nations in our backyard at the university and along our border will be won for Christ and anointed to take the gospel to their nations and the world. The Pan Am Center will be filled with worship times and hosting revival. As the waters cover the sea, so the glory of God will cover Las Cruces. In Jesus’ name!

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