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Heidi Walker Kohn

“What if we aren’t afraid anymore?” This quote comes from Bob Goff’s book “Everybody Always”. It is ringing in my mind and heart this morning. Our family is just days away from taking the biggest risk/leap of faith of our lives thus far. We are returning to live in Zambia full time! Yes, we did this before, for a 2-year assignment; but, this time is different. It’s different because we don’t have everything figured out this time, (finances lined up—we don’t have a job with a guaranteed paycheck—a plan, a starting date and ending date, etc.). It’s also different because we know what we’re getting into! No rose-colored glasses; we know the challenges and we know it’s not for the faint of heart!

This time, however, we are launching our own ministry. We don’t know all the details of what it will be, or how we will do it, or fund it, or grow it, or if it will work out at all…let’s all just take a moment to laugh for a minute to help release the stress of all that…ha ha ha! This time we are going because of a promise, a whisper, a gut sense…knowing that we were supposed to step out in faith to go and start this new thing. We are called to equip, train, and help church leaders mobilize their congregation to be the light in their communities that God has called them to be.

So, we go on that faith alone; being fully confident that He who calls us is faithful!

Nevertheless, this last month fear and doubt have really been whispering in our ears a lot. They are saying things like, “What if we got it wrong? Maybe we didn’t understand exactly what God meant? Maybe we got the word right, but the timing is off? Maybe this isn’t wisdom? Did we get enough counsel to verify if this is God? What if this fails? What are we doing to our children? They will be ruined forever if this doesn’t work. You can’t just keep moving them around the world and expect them to be ok! What if the provision doesn’t come in? What if it all falls apart before it even gets started?” So many lies, fears, and worries!!

The truth is, when we weren’t in the trenches of the last days, the crazy to do list, packing, the “it’s really happening” phase; our minds were confident and clear. We knew what God said and we believed it! This morning we are recommitting to NOT listen to fear’s voice. And honestly, this IS the life we would choose if we “weren’t afraid anymore”!!! Seriously!!!

If we weren’t afraid we would want to:

1. Raise our boys in Africa knowing that it gives them the opportunity to travel around to different countries and see the world differently! Provide them with the opportunity to have a different, bigger world view! We would believe that our experiences and travels are giving them the most precious memories, God moments, relationships, pets, and emotions! All this will help them see all the things that really make life great! This gift of adventure would be critical in shaping them for their destinies.

2. We would educate them “out of the American box”. Our goals would not be driven and controlled by grade levels, tests, or curriculum as it is in America. Instead, we would teach them to actually let learning and mastering skills drive us. We would let God given passions, personalities, uniqueness, gifts, anointings, and callings be important to our learning and curriculum—and we will have FUN doing it! We will actually learn how to apply English and Math and Science to real life and experience it in practical ways. We would have time to learn life skills, character, and real spiritual skills—like hearing Gods voice, seeing in the Spirit, worship, pray, and the joy of being a son of the King of kings. We wouldn’t be afraid to be different. Chris and I wouldn’t look at our weaknesses and shrink back in insecurity, thereby disqualifying ourselves to educate them. Instead, we would believe that God gave these boys to us and he trusts us and will help us when we are weak. We will be confident that we will grow and learn, becoming better teachers. We have amazing brains as well that need to be pushed and challenged. We can pursue education alongside them; believing that we also can conquer Algebra just like them, ha! We will welcome and look for others to help. Consequently, we will model what loving learning looks like and do it together.

3. If we weren’t afraid, we would get on that plane confidently and go follow our dreams trusting that our relationship with our Father God is solid, secure! We would stand on the certainty that we do hear His voice and we know He is with us, for us, calling us, and won’t let go of us! Further, we will choose joy and laughter, not taking things so seriously!

4. Finally, if we weren’t afraid we would go to DRC Congo, Angola, Malawi, and wherever else looking hopelessness in the face declaring, “You Lose”!!! God has just showed up and He is HOPE! Your days of ruling are done in Jesus’ Name!!!

What if we really weren’t afraid? We would be dangerous to darkness and mighty in God’s hands!

Heidi Walker Kohn

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