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  • Dale Walker

Breaking The Power Of Secrets

“If we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7)

I will never forget the power of that moment. I was barely a teenager, wanting to follow the Lord; yet, battling with secrets that came with peer pressure and the temptations of youth. I had “gotten away” with things my parents had told me not to do. I remember one specific thing was really heavy on my heart. I had gone with some friends to sneak into an R rated movie and had looked at some pornographic materials that they had. In a strange and impulsive moment, I suddenly decided to just walk into my parent’s room and confess the things that I had done. I think they were shocked; but, I suddenly found myself going deeper in conversation with my parents than I had done in a very long time. I accepted whatever punishment they decided to give me at the time; however, I didn’t feel judged for my sin. Instead, I recognized that they were partners with me against the power of sin that was waging war on my life.

This turned out to be a turning point; a defining moment in my life towards the destiny God had for me. I know I avoided a horrible descent into an abyss of sexual bondage and shame. I began to realize the power of light. When we walk in God’s light, it breaks the darkness of Satan’s power in our lives. When we walk in the light, the power of sin’s control is weakened. When we walk in the light with others, we find a fellowship of strength and community that draws us closer in friendship and love than we would have ever thought possible. It is when we walk in the light that deception isn’t able to creep in. Rationalizations, excuses, confusion, little compartments where demons control, all become expelled from our life.

As a pastor, I have seen that God can heal any breakdown in marriage, any addiction or bondage when and if people are willing to fully embrace the light of God. I have observed that any point in our life there are only two options: we are either walking towards the light and our hearts flourish like plants in sunlight; or, we walk toward shadows and darkness and our hearts become weak and unhealthy. After years of ministry, I can usually see it in the countenance of someone’s face. Oh, how easy it is to let a small secret get a grip in us! It could be a small offense, a careless judgment or criticism of a person, a lie about who God is or who we are, a jealousy, an imagination, or many other things. The beautiful thing is that we can pray “search me Oh God” (Psalm 139:23) and He will reveal the areas we need brought into the light. Day by day we can be cleansed, we can forgive, apologize, return to the truth, resolve things with others. Freedom and healing is just a step away. I challenge all of us together, let’s run to the light!

Pastor Dale

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